
European Platform on preparedness for nuclear and radiological emergency response and recovery

The mission of the NERIS Platform is to establish a forum for dialogue and methodological development between all European organisations and associations taking part in decision making of protective actions in nuclear and radiological emergencies and recovery in Europe.

Platform Organisation


Membership of the Platform is open to all European organisations concerned with nuclear and radiological emergency response and recovery preparedness having expressed interest in the activities of the Platform and having signed the present Terms of Reference.

The membership is composed of two colleges:

  • College 1: European, national, regional and local authorities, technical support organisations (TSO’s), operators and professional organisations.
  • College 2: Research institutes and universities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), consultants, and national and local stakeholders.

General Assembly

All the Members constitute the General Assembly of the Platform. When a decision is taken during the General Assembly, each organisation has one vote.

The General Assembly meets once a year, whenever possible, e.g. at the occasion of a Topical workshop of the Platform, to review and endorse the general program of the Platform as proposed by the Management Board.

Management Board

The Platform is managed by a Board of 10 members (including 4 members of College 1 and 4 members of College 2, the Chair of the R&D Committee and one representative of the Secretariat – See Articles 6 and 7). Each member is nominated by the General Assembly for a period of 3 years. Only one person per organisation can be nominated to the Management Board at the same time. The Management Board meets twice a year (including one at the occasion of the General Assembly meeting) under the chairmanship of one of its Members.

The Management Board defines the work program of the Platform in coherence with its objectives and the means for achieving them. It also performs a follow up of their implementation.

In case of extraordinary circumstances, extra meetings can be organized by the Management Board.

R&D Committee

The Committee is in charge of coordinating all R&D activities of the Platform related to the maintenance and development of: decision aiding tools, governance processes and methods, and information and data exchange systems supporting nuclear and radiological emergency response and recovery. Members of the Committee are representatives of organizations taking care of the maintenance of the existing European tools and methods and any other interested organization member of the Platform. Members of the Committee are proposed by their organizations and approved by the General Assembly. The Chair of the Committee is a member of the Management Board. The Committee reports to the Management Board.


The Secretariat is provided by one organisation of the Platform nominated by the General Assembly. The Secretariat is in charge of technical administration of the Platform (e.g. website, newsletter) and provides practical assistance for the organisation of the various activities of the Platform.

The Secretariat coordinates with other European or international networks to avoid work duplication.


The objectives of the Platform are to contribute to:

  • Improving the effectiveness of current European, national and local approaches for preparedness concerning nuclear or radiological emergency response and recovery.
  • Promoting more coherent approaches in preparedness for nuclear or radiological emergency response and recovery throughout Europe.
  • Identifying gaps and needs for further developments in preparedness for nuclear or radiological emergency response and recovery.
  • Addressing new and emerging challenges in the field of preparedness for nuclear and radiological emergency response and recovery.
  • Maintaining and improving know-how and technical expertise in preparedness for nuclear or radiological emergency response and recovery among all interested stakeholders in Europe.

To achieve the above objectives, the Platform will:

  • Establish a forum for dialogue between European, national, regional and local authorities; technical support organisations (TSOs); operators; professional organisations; research institutes; universities; non-governmental organisations (NGOs); consultants, national and local stakeholders.
  • Initiate and support through partnership working European, regional, national and local activities and projects in preparedness for nuclear or radiological emergency response and recovery.
  • Initiate and coordinate networking activities to share experience, to contribute to a better harmonisation in Europe, to promote maintenance, development and adaptation of existing tools and methods for nuclear or radiological emergency response and recovery.
  • Ensure a supranational training programme by stimulating continuation of the training courses developed during the EURATOM 6th Framework Programme, launching of new training courses and workshops/exercises according to the needs of all the various actors.

Members of the Management Board

For the period 2022-2024, the members of the Management Board are:

  1. Olivier Isnard (ASNR, France) - President
  2. Florian Gering (BfS, Germany) - Vice President
  3. Antony Bexon (UKHSA, United Kingdom) - President of the R&D Committee
  4. Pieter De Meutter (SCK CEN, Belgium) - Secretary
  5. Deborah Oughton (UMB, Norway) - Treasurer
  6. Spyros Andronopoulos (NCSRD, Greece)
  7. Angelika Bohnstedt (KIT, Germany)
  8. Paulo Nunes (APA, Portugal)
  9. Pascal Crouail (CEPN, France) - Representative for the Technical Secretary

Members of the R&D Committee

The members of the R&D Committee are:

  1. Antony Bexon - Chairman, UKHSA, UK
  2. Johan Camps - SCK•CEN, Belgium
  3. Kasper Andersson - DTU, Denmark
  4. Jarmila Bohunova - VUJE, Slovak Republic
  5. Sylvie Charron - IRSN, France
  6. Pascal Croüail - CEPN, France
  7. Astrid Liland - NRPA, Norway
  8. Milagros Montero - CIEMAT, Spain
  9. Per Roos - DTU, Denmark
  10. Maarit Muikku - STUK, Finland
  11. Damien Didier - IRSN, France
  12. Marie-Claire Cantone – UMIL, Italy
  13. Catrinel Turcanu - SCK•CEN, Belgium
  14. Véronica Smith – EPA, Ireland

Members of the NERIS Platform

The platform encourage all organisations and institutions (i.e. national and local authorities, technical support organisations, operators, professional organisations, research institutes, universities, consultant, non government organisations...) interested with Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery to join the NERIS Platform.

Until now, 65 organisations have already signed the Letter of Intent to join the Platform and constitute the Partners.

Supporting organisations:

  1. AFCN - Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (Belgium)
  2. APA - Agencia Portuguesa do Ambiente (Portugal)
  3. ASNR - French Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (France)
  4. BfS - Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Germany)
  5. CEPN - Nuclear Evaluation Protection Centre (France)
  6. CIEMAT - Research Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology (Spain)
  7. CNL - Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (Canada)
  8. DEMOKRITOS - National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos" (Greece)
  9. DSA - Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (Norway)
  10. DTU - Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)
  11. ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (Italy)
  12. EPA - Environmental Protection Agency (Ireland)
  13. FOPH - Federal Office of Public Health, Radiological Protection (Switzerland)
  14. IST- Instituto Superior Técnico, the Lisbon School of Engineering, Science and Technology (Portugal)
  15. KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) -
  16. NCBJ - National Centre for Nuclear Research (Poland)
  17. NMBU - Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway)
  18. PDC - Prolog Development Center (Denmark)
  19. CEN - Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (Belgium)
  20. SSM- Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (Sweden)
  21. STUK - Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (Finland)
  22. SURO - National Radiation Protection Institute (Czech Republic)
  23. Tecnatom (Spain)
  24. UKHSA - Public Health England (United Kingdom)
  25. UNIMI - University of Milan (Italy)
  26. UPM- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)


  1. AgroParisTech - Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences (France)
  2. AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria)
  3. ANCCLI - National Association of Liaison Committee (France)
  4. BIR - Bundeswehr Institute of Radiobiology (Germany)
  5. CBRN CC BMI - CBRN Competence Center of the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior (Austria)
  6. DEMA - Danish Emergency Management Agency (Denmark)
  7. DZZZ - Office for Radiological and Nuclear Safety (Croatia)
  8. EVIRA - Finnish Food Safety Authority (Finland)
  9. ENEA - National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (Italy)
  10. GRS - Gesellschaft für Anlagen und Reaktorsicherheit (Germany)
  11. Health Canada - Health Canada / Santé Canada (Canada)
  12. Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Energy Research (Hungary)
  13. Institute of Environmental Geochemistry under NAS (Ukraine)
  14. IFIN HH - National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
  15. IRB - Ruđer Bošković Institute (Croatia)
  16. ISGlobal - Barcelona Institute for Global Health - (Spain)
  17. JSI - Jozeph Stefan Institute (Slovenia)
  18. ISP NPP - Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants (Ukraine)
  19. ISS - Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italy)
  20. KWR - Watercycle Research Institute (Netherlands)
  21. MBS - University of Manchester (United Kingdom)
  22. NAEA - National Atomic Energy Agency (Poland)
  23. NPP-OSI -NPP Operation Support Institute (Ukraine)
  24. NRG - Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (Netherlands)
  25. PMA - Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération (France)
  26. Regional Environmental Center (Slovenia)
  27. RIKILT - Institute of Food Safety (Netherlands)
  28. RIVM - National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (Netherlands)
  29. SCN - Institute for Nuclear Research (Romania)
  30. SNSA - Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (Slovenia)
  31. SAINT - Swedish academic initiative for radiation sciences and nuclear technology (Sweden)
  32. SSTC NRS - State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (Ukraine)
  33. TRPA - Taiwan Radiation Protection Association (Taiwan)
  34. UBB - University babes-Bolyai (Romania)
  35. UCEWP - Ukrainian Center of Environmental and Water Projects (Ukraine)
  36. UJV Rez, as - Nuclear Research Institute Rez (Czech Republic)
  37. UOI - University of Ioannina (Greece)
  38. UV - University of Valencia (Spain)
  39. UVM.BWL - Ministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Verkehr Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
  40. VUJE - Nuclear Power Plants Research Institute (Slovakia)

Statute of the NERIS Platform Association




Supporting organizations of the present statutes have set up an association under the French Law from the 1st of July 1901 and the French Decree from the 16th of August 1901, called “Plateforme NERIS - NERIS Platform”. It may be referred to as “NERIS”.


The NERIS Platform aims at working on issues related to preparedness for nuclear and radiological emergency response and recovery, with the following objectives:

  • Improving the effectiveness of current European, national and local approaches, relying upon both European and international experiences.
  • Promoting more coherent approaches through the establishment of networking activities.
  • Maintaining and improving know-how and technical expertise among all interested stakeholders by developing a supranational training programme.
  • Identifying needs for further developments and addressing new and emerging challenges.

ARTICLE 3: Address

The address of the association is c/o CEPN, 28 rue de la Redoute, 92260 Fontenay aux Roses. It may be modified at any time following an unanimous decision of the Management Board (see Article 9).

ARTICLE 4: Duration

The association is created for an undefined period.

ARTICLE 5: Membership

Membership is open to all types of organizations concerned with preparedness for nuclear and radiological emergency response and recovery (national and local authorities, technical support organisations, professional organisations, research institutes, universities and non-governmental organisations, etc) represented into the association instances by individuals.

ARTICLE 6: Admission

To become Member of the association, a candidate organization must have signed the Terms of Reference as well as the present statute and have the unanimous agreement of the Management Board (see Article 9).

ARTICLE 7: Withdrawal

Membership ends either voluntarily or following a cancellation decision by at least two thirds of the Management Board (see Article 9).


ARTICLE 8: Resources

The resources of the association are made up with:

  • The annual membership fees according to the decision taken by the General Assembly,
  • The in-kind contributions of the organisations ensuring the coordination of the association,
  • The subsidies from public organisations both national and international,
  • The payments of specific services provided by the association.

ARTICLE 9: Functioning

The association is operated under the control of a General Assembly, which comprises the representatives of all member organisations of the NERIS Platform Association. The association is directed by a Management Board of 10 members which comprises 8 members of College 1 (European, national, regional and local authorities, technical support organisations - TSO's -, operators and professional organisations) and College 2 (Research institutes and universities, non-governmental organizations - NGOs -, consultants, and national and local stakeholders), the Chair of the R&D Committee and one representative of the Secretariat. Each member is nominated by the General Assembly for a three-year period. The Management Board nominates within its Members a Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer for the three-year period. These persons compose the Bureau of the association. The Bureau members may be re-nominated. An internal document (the "Terms of Reference"), adopted by the General Assembly, describes with more details the management rules of the association.

ARTICLE 10: Dissolution

The General Assembly makes the decision about the dissolution by a simple majority of votes.

The present statutes have been approved at the occasion of the constitutive General Assembly of the association organised on the 15th of May 2012 in Glasgow (Scotland).

Approved at Fontenay-aux-Roses, 2nd of July 2012

The Chair: Raimo MUSTONEN, The Secretary and Treasurer: Thierry SCHNEIDER

Joining the Platform

Becoming a member of the NERIS Platform

You endorse the Terms of Reference of the Platform by signing the Letter of intent and become a member of the NERIS Platform, and as such you will be regurlarly informed and invited to participate to the NERIS activities:

Your registration has to be sent by postal mail to:

NERIS Secretary
c/o CEPN
28 rue de la Redoute
F-92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses, France

Or by electronic email to:

Becoming a supporting organisation of the NERIS Platform

You signed the attached statutes of the legal NERIS Platform. This will give you the possibility to participate in the key decisions regarding the activities of the NERIS Platform through the General Assembly and you will also be allowed to candidate for becoming a member of the NERIS Management Board. As endorsed by the General Assembly, the annual fees will be claim each year.

Your registration has to be sent by postal mail to:

NERIS Secretary
c/o CEPN
28 rue de la Redoute
F-92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses, France

Or by electronic email to:

Subscribing to the NERIS Platform information mailing-list

If you want to be added to the NERIS mailing-list and receive information about the NERIS Platform, please contact:

NERIS Secretary
c/o CEPN
28 rue de la Redoute
F-92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses, France
Tel: +33 1 55 52 19 20

Becoming a member of the NERIS Platform

You endorse the Terms of Reference of the Platform by signing the Letter of intent and become a member of the NERIS Platform, and as such you will be regurlarly informed and invited to participate to the NERIS activities:

Your registration has to be sent by postal mail to:

NERIS Secretary
c/o CEPN
28 rue de la Redoute
F-92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses, France

Or by electronic email to:

Becoming a supporting organisation of the NERIS Platform

You signed the attached statutes of the legal NERIS Platform. This will give you the possibility to participate in the key decisions regarding the activities of the NERIS Platform through the General Assembly and you will also be allowed to candidate for becoming a member of the NERIS Management Board. As endorsed by the General Assembly, the annual fees will be claim each year.

Your registration has to be sent by postal mail to:

NERIS Secretary
c/o CEPN
28 rue de la Redoute
F-92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses, France

Or by electronic email to:

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+33 1 55 52 19 20


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92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses


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