Subscribing to the NERIS Platform information mailing-list

If you want to be added or removed from the NERIS mailing-list, please use the following form :

You can also directly contact the Secretary via:

NERIS Secretary
c/o CEPN
28 rue de la Redoute
F-92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses, France
Tel: +33 1 55 52 19 20



  • November: 5th ERPW, Vienna, Austria
  • October: 6th NERIS Workshop, online
  • June: 12th General Assembly, online
  • March: WHO REMPAN coordination meeting


  • November : Publication of ICRP Pub 146 on “Radiological Protection of People and the Environment in the Event of a Large Nuclear Accident”
  • June: 11th General Assembly
  • May:
    • Publication of the new NERIS SRA
    • Webinar on “Key challenges for managing a transition phase: lessons from Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents”
    • Webinar on “Chernobyl Wildfires”
    • Training course on modelling and measurement, Roskilde, Denmark
    • IRPA , Seoul, Korea
  • March-April: Working group on the update of the NERIS SRA


  • December: CONFIDENCE Dissemination workshop, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
  • November: Final event of TERRITORIES, Aix en Provence, France
  • October: 4th ERPW, Stockholm, Sweden
  • September:
    • Workshop on "Preparedness to Nuclear and Radiological emergencies : keys to improve it" organised by SEPR (Spanish Society of Radiological Protection), Madrid, Spain
    • ENGAGE Dissemination Workshop, Bratislava, Slovak republic
  • May: Training course on “use of uncertain information by decision makers at the various levels within the decision-making process and its communication”, Trnava, Slovak Republic
  • April:
    • Launch of the consultation on the NERIS SRA
    • 5th NERIS Workshop & 10th General Assembly, Roskilde, Denmark
  • March: Workshop TERRITORIES, Oxford, United Kingdom
  • February: Workshop on “the Development of Radiological Protection Culture to Support the Governance of Radiological Risk” (ENGAGE WP3), Athens, Greece


  • October: 3rd Radiation Protection Week, Rovinj, Croatia
  • April:
    • 4th NERIS Workshop & 9th General Assembly, Dublin, Ireland
    • Workshop of the CONFIDENCE Project, Dublin, Ireland
    • Course on "Preparedness and response for nuclear and radiological emergencies", Mol, Belgium
  • March:
    • ALLIANCE-NERIS Workshop on common gaps, Munich, Germany
    • Training course on “Modelling and measurement”, Roskilde, Denmark


  • October: 2nd Radiation Protection Week & 4th ICRP Symposium, Paris, France
  • September:
    • Consultation meeting on the NERIS Roadmap, Brussels, Belgium
    • First meeting of the CONCERT Stakeholder Group, Paris, France
  • June:
    • 3rd RICOMET meeting, Vienna, Austria
    • Training course on “Late Phase Nuclear Accident Preparedness and Management”, Gomel, Belarus
  • May: 3rd NERIS Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal
  • March:
    • Final SHAMISEN Workshop with a dedicated meeting with stakeholders, Paris, France
    • Training course “Preparedness and response for nuclear and radiological emergencies”, Mol, Belgium
    • Training course on “Modelling and measurement”, Roskilde, Denmark


  • September: 1st Radiation Protection Week & NERIS RD Committee meeting, Oxford, United Kingdom
  • April: ICRP meeting, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France
  • March: Shamisen Workshop, Fukushima, Japan
  • January: PREPARE Dissemination Workshop and 7th General Assembly, Bratislava, Slovak Republic


  • November:
    • PREPARE WP3 Workshop, Paris, France
    • Start of HARMONE project
  • October: Training Course “Analytical Platform – Scientific methods and tools for information collection and exchange”, Trnava, Slovak Republic
  • September: Training course on “Late Phase Nuclear Accident Preparedness and Management”, Gomel, Belarus
  • June: Kick-Off meeting of the CONCERT Projet, 17-18 June
  • April: 2nd NERIS Workshop & 6th General Assembly, Milano, Italy
  • March: International Training Course on “Preparedness and Response for nuclear and radiological emergencies”, Mol, Belgium


  • November: PREPARE WP6 Workshop "Managing complexity in nuclear accidental situations - Information and participation of local populations building a response", Tromsø, Norway
  • October: Cooperation with MELODI, ALLIANCE and EURADOS at the occasion of the 6th International MELODI Workshop, Barcelona, Spain
  • September: Training Course on “Late Phase Nuclear Accident Preparedness and Management”, Gomel, Belarus
  • June: 5th General Assembly, Geneva, Switzerland
  • March: International training course on “Preparedness and response for nuclear and radiological emergencies”, Mol, Belgium
  • February:
    • Meeting of the RODOS User Group, Brugg, Switzerland
    • Presentation of PREPARE during a European hearing on “off-site crisis communication with the public in case of nuclear and radiological emergency” at the European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels, Belgium
  • January: NERIS-TP Dissemination Workshop, Oslo, Norway


  • December: Memorandum Of Understanding for an integrative approach to European Radiation Protection research between MELODI, ALLIANCE, NERIS and EURADOS
  • November: Workshop “Managing Complexity in Nuclear Accidental Situations - Experts Interacting with Experts and Society”, WP6 of the PREPARE project
  • September:
    • R&D committee meeting in Brussels, Belgium
    • Workshop “Review of post-accident preparedness initiatives at the territorial level” in the framework of NERIS-TP, Bordeaux, France
  • June: technical visit of Slovak stakeholders in Belarus in the framework of NERIS-TP
  • May:
    • NERIS Topical Workshop on the Management of Contaminated Goods, Madrid, Spain
    • 4th General Assembly of the NERIS Platform in Madrid, Spain
  • February:
    • Start of the PREPARE Project
    • NERIS becomes an ICRP Liaison Organisation


  • November: WG2 and WP3 meeting in Oslo, Norway
  • October: 1st WG-ConGoo meeting in Paris, France
  • September: R&D Committee meeting, in Paris, France
  • June: Management Board of NERIS TP, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • May: 3rd General Assembly, In Glasgow, UK
  • Mars: WP3 meeting in Madrid, Spain
  • February: First NERIS Workshop in Bratislava, Slovak Republic.


  • September: RTD Workshop in Brussels, Belgium.
  • May: 2nd General Assembly of the NERIS Platform in Paris, France.
  • February: Start of the NERIS-TP Project. 


  • November: First meetings of the NERIS Working Groups.
  • June: 1st General Assembly of the NERIS Platform during the IRPA Congress in Helsinki, Finland.


  • November: planning meeting of the new NERIS Platform in Paris to discuss the Terms of Reference of the Platform and to review the existing activities in the nuclear emergency and post-accident field.
  • June: Endorsement of a “revised proposal” that was distributed to all participants of the Final EURANOS meeting that took place in Madrid, Spain.
  • January: Discussions on a first “proposal” of a European Platform during the Workshop on “Post-accident rehabilitation preparedness in Europe - Present Issues and Future Challenges” that took place in Paris, France.

Autumn: First discussion during the Management Committee of the EURANOS Project on possible options to continue the EURANOS Users Groups beyond the end of the project.

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In accordance with the provisions of the French Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, the identity of the various parties involved in its implementation and monitoring is specified to users of the site

Edition of the site

The website is published by NERIS, a non-profit association (French law of 1901), whose head office is located at 28 rue de la Redoute, 92260 Fontenay-Aux-Roses, and whose declaration of creation was published in the Official Journal on 08/09/2012 (Publication No.: 20120036, Advertisement No.: 1183)

Responsible for publication

President of NERIS


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Address: 28 rue de la Redoute, 92260 Fontenay-Aux-Roses

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+33 1 55 52 19 20


28 rue de la Redoute
92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses


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