Training-Course 2018

  • Training Course - Preparedness and response for nuclear and radiological emergencies - 16-20 April 2018, Mol (Belgium)

    16-20 April 2018



    The course on "Preparedness and response for nuclear and radiological emergencies" addresses the state of the art in nuclear and radiological emergency management including the latest international recommendations, the lessons learned from the Fukushima accident and the challenges we still face. The main objective is to provide fundamental knowledge and practical advice to all actors involved in emergency planning and response.

    The course is organized by the SCK•CEN Academy for Nuclear Science and Technology, in the framework of the H2020 CONCERT project, in collaboration with the main European emergency management actors and the European platform NERIS (Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery.

    Main topics in the course are the principles of intervention; radiological evaluations; decision-support tools; different aspects of planning and organization in off-site emergency response; economic, social and psychological impact; communication and stakeholder involvement; European Community legislation; and international data and information exchange. Group activities are organised to explore in depth several aspects presented during the course lectures. A comprehensive table-top exercise simulating a nuclear accident will be used to involve participants in the decision-making process and confront them with the real difficulties. A technical visit of several points of interest in SCK•CEN may be also foreseen for the interested participants.

    This combination of theory, practice, tools and experience will help you and your organization to:

    • Carry out radiological assessments;
    • Deal with the complexity of the situation in terms of its radiological, social and legal dimensions;
    • Apply state of the art knowledge in decision-making processes related to nuclear and radiological emergencies;
    • Assume a role in an emergency management team;
    • Be ready to respond to a nuclear or radiological event.

    The course is mainly targeted towards technical and radiological advisors, staff responsible for the overall emergency organization and policy, either entering the domain or being interested in refreshing the basics and getting acquainted with latest developments in the field. The target audience also includes young investigators (e.g. Master or PhD students) in fields connected to emergency management (e.g. atmospheric dispersion and deposition, dose assessment, decision-supporting tools) and professionals wishing to develop a career in the field of emergency management, e.g. by acting as technical and radiological advisors to the authorities.

    Lectures are given in English by experts with international recognition in the domain, from SCK•CEN and other organisations with leading roles in nuclear and radiological emergency management at European level.


    MOL (Belgium)

    For further information : Please visite the SCK-CEN website

  • Training Course - Modelling and measurement - 5-16 March 2018, Roskilde (Denmark)

    5-16 March 2018



    The training course on “Assessment of long-term radiological risks from environmental releases: modelling and measurements”, 5-16 March 2018, Roskilde, Denmark is organised by the Center for Nuclear Technologies at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in cooperation with PDC-ARGOS.  The training course is co-funded by the European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research CONCERT.

    The course is aimed at providing the participants with an understanding of how to assess by measurements and modelling the long-term radiological risks from releases to the environment of radionuclides.  Nuclear power plant accidents will particularly be in focus, but RDD’s will be considered.

    The course builds on decades of international research work, e.g., in European projects such as ECP-4, STRATEGY,  EURANOS, NERIS TP and PREPARE, including unique experience from extensive practical investigations in contaminated areas and laboratory assessments.  It comprises a hands-on introduction to laboratory measurement techniques including state-of-the-art radiochemistry methods for determination of radionuclides that can not easily be determined.  It also includes a hands-on decision support modelling session using a state-of-the-art  computerised decision support system for nuclear and radiological emergency management.

    The course will provide insight into:

    ·         Assessment of long-term radiological risks from releases to the environment
    ·         Theoretical principles of dosimetry
    ·         Implications of different contamination scenario types
    ·         Migration of radioactive contaminants in different types of environment
    ·         Modelling internal dose and specific factors influencing ingestion dose
    ·         Modelling external dose in contaminated inhabited areas
    ·         Decision support systems for accident management
    ·         Important concepts in sampling and gamma spectrometry
    ·         Radiochemical analysis for radionuclides that are difficult to measure
    ·         Rapid radiochemistry techniques for multiple samples

    Target audience

    The targeted audience is PhD students and young scientists / advisors.  The course is expected to give students 2.5 ECTS points.


    Roskilde (Denmark)

    For further information, please download the flyer hereand do not hesitate to contact Per Roos ( or Kasper G. Andersson ( at DTU.

    Registration : Deadline on 15th of January 2018.  Limited to 12 participants

    There is no registration fee.  Participants are expected to cover their own travel and subsistence costs (e.g., meals, hotel, visa if needed) 

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RRADEW Workshop - 24-25 March 2025 Lisbon, Portugal (APA)

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