NERIS WG2 Meeting - 26-27 November 2012, Oslo (Norway)

OsloThe NERIS WG2 meeting on emergency preparedness and stakeholder participation was held in NRPA, Oslo Norway from 26th till 27h of November 2012.

Please see hereinafter the program of the meeting and the presentations:

November, 26th

Presentations from NERIS participants on activities related to local stakeholder engagement

  1. Belorussian experience in communication with local stakeholders in tackling post-Chernobyl problems – Viktor Averin
  2. Local Stakeholder participation in Spain – Eduardo Gallego, Milagros Montero
  3. Involvement of pays de Montbéliard Agglomération in the preparedness of emergency situations – Sandra Biguenet
  4. About local stakeholder participation in the NERIS Working Group meeting: Norwegian Experience – Inger Margarethe Eikelmann
  5. Local stakeholder participation in Slovakia – regional-local cooperation and improvement of local preparedness – Tatiana Duranova
  6. Progress of Post-accident preparedness in the French context: the contribution of the Local Commissions of Information (attached to nuclear installation) and their federation (The ANCCLI) – Gilles Heriard-Dubreuil, Yves Lheureux, Valerie Demet

Fukushima Experience – Presentations focusing on local stakeholder participation

  1. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, IGES, Japan – Governance and Local Resident Communication. Report from Workshop and Public Symposium. Outline and initial findings of the Fukushima Action Research on Effective Decontamination Operation (FAIRDO) in Fukushima – Hiroshi SUZUKI.
  2. Feedback from WP3 participation at the FAIRDO meeting, ISAP2012, Yokohama: 8. Gilles Heriard Dubreuil, 8.B. Viktor Averin, Wolfgang Raskob
  3. Local Stakeholder participation in Japanese contaminated areas after Fukushima: Impressions from a short visit in the context of the FAIRDO project – Eduardo Gallego
  4. Risk Assessment Strategy Group, AIST, Japan. Approaches to Prioritizing Decontamination Strategies on External Radiation Doses in Fukushima – Wataru NAITO, AIST
  5. The ICRP Fukushima Dialogue Initiative - Astrid Liland, Deborah Oughton, Thierry Schneider

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RRADEW Workshop - 24-25 March 2025 Lisbon, Portugal (APA)

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