The platform encourage all organisations and institutions (i.e. national and local authorities, technical support organisations, operators, professional organisations, research institutes, universities, consultant, non government organisations...) interested with Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery to join the NERIS Platform.

Until now, 65 organisations have already signed the Letter of Intent to join the Platform and constitute the Partners.

Supporting organisations:

  1. AFCN - Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (Belgium)
  2. APA - Agencia Portuguesa do Ambiente (Portugal)
  3. ASNR - French Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (France)
  4. BfS - Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Germany)
  5. CEPN - Nuclear Evaluation Protection Centre (France)
  6. CIEMAT - Research Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology (Spain)
  7. CNL - Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (Canada)
  8. DEMOKRITOS - National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos" (Greece)
  9. DSA - Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (Norway)
  10. DTU - Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)
  11. ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (Italy)
  12. EPA - Environmental Protection Agency (Ireland)
  13. FOPH - Federal Office of Public Health, Radiological Protection (Switzerland)
  14. IST- Instituto Superior Técnico, the Lisbon School of Engineering, Science and Technology (Portugal)
  15. KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) -
  16. NCBJ - National Centre for Nuclear Research (Poland)
  17. NMBU - Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway)
  18. PDC - Prolog Development Center (Denmark)
  19. CEN - Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (Belgium)
  20. SSM- Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (Sweden)
  21. STUK - Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (Finland)
  22. SURO - National Radiation Protection Institute (Czech Republic)
  23. UKHSA - Public Health England (United Kingdom)
  24. UNIMI - University of Milan (Italy)
  25. UPM- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)


  1. AgroParisTech - Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences (France)
  2. AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria)
  3. ANCCLI - National Association of Liaison Committee (France)
  4. BIR - Bundeswehr Institute of Radiobiology (Germany)
  5. CBRN CC BMI - CBRN Competence Center of the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior (Austria)
  6. DEMA - Danish Emergency Management Agency (Denmark)
  7. DZZZ - Office for Radiological and Nuclear Safety (Croatia)
  8. EVIRA - Finnish Food Safety Authority (Finland)
  9. ENEA - National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (Italy)
  10. GRS - Gesellschaft für Anlagen und Reaktorsicherheit (Germany)
  11. Health Canada - Health Canada / Santé Canada (Canada)
  12. Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Energy Research (Hungary)
  13. Institute of Environmental Geochemistry under NAS (Ukraine)
  14. IFIN HH - National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
  15. IRB - Ruđer Bošković Institute (Croatia)
  16. ISGlobal - Barcelona Institute for Global Health - (Spain)
  17. JSI - Jozeph Stefan Institute (Slovenia)
  18. ISP NPP - Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants (Ukraine)
  19. ISS - Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italy)
  20. KWR - Watercycle Research Institute (Netherlands)
  21. MBS - University of Manchester (United Kingdom)
  22. NAEA - National Atomic Energy Agency (Poland)
  23. NPP-OSI -NPP Operation Support Institute (Ukraine)
  24. NRG - Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (Netherlands)
  25. PMA - Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération (France)
  26. Regional Environmental Center (Slovenia)
  27. RIKILT - Institute of Food Safety (Netherlands)
  28. RIVM - National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (Netherlands)
  29. SCN - Institute for Nuclear Research (Romania)
  30. SNSA - Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (Slovenia)
  31. SAINT - Swedish academic initiative for radiation sciences and nuclear technology (Sweden)
  32. SSTC NRS - State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (Ukraine)
  33. TRPA - Taiwan Radiation Protection Association (Taiwan)
  34. UBB - University babes-Bolyai (Romania)
  35. UCEWP - Ukrainian Center of Environmental and Water Projects (Ukraine)
  36. UJV Rez, as - Nuclear Research Institute Rez (Czech Republic)
  37. UOI - University of Ioannina (Greece)
  38. UV - University of Valencia (Spain)
  39. UVM.BWL - Ministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Verkehr Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
  40. VUJE - Nuclear Power Plants Research Institute (Slovakia)

Next events

RRADEW Workshop - 24-25 March 2025 Lisbon, Portugal (APA)

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