The recently launched CONCERT project ENGAGE focuses on “ENhancinG stAkeholder participation in the GovernancE of radiological risks for improved radiation protection and informed decision-making”. The project will identify and address key challenges and opportunities for stakeholder engagement concerning three situations of exposure to ionising radiation: the medical use of ionising radiatoon, post-accident exposure, and indoor exposure to radon. ENGAGE will:

  1. Address the questions of why, when, and how stakeholders are engaged in radiation protection issues.

  2. Develop novel approaches to analyse stakeholder interactions and engagement and provide guidance to meet the challenges and opportunities identified in response to (a).

  3. Investigate the processes for enhancing the culture of radiation protection and their role in facilitating stakeholder engagement and develop guidelines for the further development and enhancement of the radiation protection culture.

  4. Provide recommendations and build a joint knowledge base for stakeholder engagement in radiation protection.

The ENGAGE consortium brings together social sciences and humanities researchers and radiation protection experts from nuclear safety and radiation protection authorities, leading research institutes in radiation
public health organisations, non- governmental organisations, and academia, representing 14 organisations from 10 European countries.

Together, ENGAGE partners will identify and refine relevant aspects for stakeholder engagement in each of the three exposure situations. They will analyse European commonalities and national idiosyncrasies, share experiences and approaches, and identify knowledge gaps.

Through its research and innovation activities, the project will provide information to facilitate the engagement of stakeholders in radiation protection in ways that relevant stakeholders find meaningful and legitimate. It will contribute to improving the governance of radiological risk and, as a result, radiation protection itself. Project beneficiaries include radiation protection platforms, policy makers, civil society stakeholders, and the public.

Deliverables are available on the MEENAS website.

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