NERIS Workshop 2023

The NERIS Workshop took place on Monday 9th October 2023 as a satellite Workshop of next ERPW in Dublin, Ireland. It gathered around 80 participants and was fruitful thanks to its speakers and qualitative presentations during the day.

The thematic of the Workshop were the following:

  • Radiological impact assessment including data, models and techniques
  • Protective actions, decision support and disaster informatics
  • Holistic and inclusive framework for preparedness for emergency response and recovery.
  • New challenges for emergency preparedness, response and recovery

Please find following the link to the Workshop programme and presentations :

6th NERIS Workshop & 11th General Assembly - 27 – 29 May 2020, Barcelona (Spain)

The 6th NERIS Workshop will be organized with ISGlobal (Spain) in Barcelona at Palau Macaya, from 27th to 29th May 2020.

It will be the opportunity to discuss and exchange between NERIS members, international organisations and European Research communities on research developments and priorities for the European NERIS Platform.

The 11th General Assembly of the NERIS platform will take place at this occasion on Wednesday 27th May 2019.

The topic of the workshop will be communicated in the coming months. For further information, please visit the NERIS Website or contact the secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

5th NERIS Workshop, 3-5 April 2019, Roskilde, Denmark

Key challenges in the preparedness for emergency response and recovery of a nuclear or radiological event

The 5th NERIS Workshop was hosted by DTU – Nutech in Roskilde (Denmark) from 3rd to 5th April 2019, the 10th General Assembly took place on 3rd April morning (9:00-11:00). The Workshop gathered 85 participants and 58 papers, including 12 posters, dedicated to “Key challenges in the preparedness for emergency response and recovery of a nuclear or radiological event” and addressed the following challenges:

  • Radiological impact assessment during all phases of nuclear and radiological events
  • Countermeasures and countermeasure strategies in emergency & recovery, decision support & disaster informatics
  • Setting-up a trans-disciplinary and inclusive framework for preparedness for emergency response and recovery

A specific session was dedicated to "Challenges in estimating the source term and operational radiological picture (on-site versus off-site)".

The NERIS Platform delivered for the second time the ‘NERIS Young Scientist Award’ to promote 4 young scientis whose professional or scientific works have been noted for their quality and originality.

4th NERIS Workshop, Dublin 2018 - Proceedings

The 4th NERIS Workshop, organised in cooperation with the Irish Environmental Protection Agency, has covered topics on adapting nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness, response and recovery to a changing world.

The NERIS Workshop 2018 has provided an opportunity to discuss and exchange with NERIS Members, International organisations and European Research communities on priorities for the NERIS Platform.

The proceedings of this Workshop are now available and can be downloaded here.

proceedings 2018 cover

NERIS Workshop - Roskilde 2019

The 5th NERIS Workshop will be hosted by DTU – Nutech, Center for Nuclear Technologies, in Roskilde (Denmark) from 3rd to 5th April 2019. It will be the opportunity to discuss and exchange between NERIS members, international organisations and European Research communities on research developments and priorities for the European NERIS Platform.

The topic of the workshop will be communicated in the coming months.



Next events

RRADEW Workshop - 24-25 March 2025 Lisbon, Portugal (APA)

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