The CONFIDENCE Project, funded under the H2020 CONCERT project, is performing research focused on uncertainties in the area of emergency management and long-term rehabilitation. It concentrates on the early and transition phases of an emergency, but considers also longer-term decisions made during these phases. The project brings together expertise from four European Radiation Protection Research Platforms (NERIS, MELODI, ALLIANCE and EURADOS) and also from Social Sciences and Humanities.

Actors in emergency and recovery preparedness and management from all levels and sectors are encouraged to participate in this the CONFIDENCE Dissemination to be held in Bratislava from 2 to 5 December 2019.

The main objectives will be: 

  • To disseminate the knowledge acquired and to demonstrate the capability of the developed models, methods, approaches, guides, recommendations and tools.
  • To collect feedback from end users on our outputs and remaining research requirements or improvements in models/guides etc. as a feedback to the Platforms to further develop their Strategic Research Agendas. 

Information on the agenda, registration and accommodation will be shared in the coming months.

You can download the "save the date" here.

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RRADEW Workshop - 24-25 March 2025 Lisbon, Portugal (APA)

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