19-23 June 2017


The Training Course on  “Late Phase Nuclear Accident Preparedness and Management” is organised by the Nuclear Protection Evaluation Center (CEPN - France) and the Institute of Radiology (RIR - Belarus) in cooperation with the European platform NERIS on emergency and post-accident preparedness and response. The training course is co-funded by the European Joint Programme for the integration of radiation protection research CONCERT.

The course will take place from June 19-23, 2017 at the Institute of Radiology (RIR) in Gomel, Belarus.

The main objective of the course for late phase nuclear accident prepardness and management is to provide principles and practical guidance for the key players involved in the preparedness and recovery of living conditions in contaminated areas in the aftermath of a nuclear/radiological accident.

The course offers a comprehensive overview of the various dimensions and challenges of the long-term rehabilitation. It includes also practical elements for the implementation of countermeasures for managing long-term contaminated rural and urban environments, notably through the planning of direct meetings and dialogue with local stakeholders (inhabitants, pupils, local authorities, etc.) living in the areas affected by the Chernobyl accident.

The course is based on international recommendations and on the material produced and developed in several European and international projects: ETHOS, SAGE, FARMING, CORE, EURANOS, NERIS TP, etc. as well as the first results obtained under PREPARE and SHAMISEN programs. The course is made of lectures, practical working sessions, technical visits and discussions. It strongly relies on the practical experience of Belarussian organisations in the management of the Chernobyl consequences as well as on the first lessons from the management of the consequences of the Fukushima accident.

Download the First Announcement

Download the Preliminary Programme

Registration  (Deadline on April 15, 2017). Limited to 24 participants.

There is no registration fee, however, participants are expected to cover their own travel and subsistence costs (including meals, hotel room and Visa costs).

Please do not hesitate to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. from CEPN if you need further information.

Main course topics

  • Characterisation of long-term exposure and feedback experience from various countries (Belarus, Norway, Japan, etc.)
  • Principles and criteria for the management of post-accident situations
  • Management options for contaminated food production systems
  • Radiation monitoring & health surveillance - Health implications of living in contaminated areas
  • Long-term preparedness and stakeholder involvement
  • Insights on Belarus and Fukushima long term post-accident issues

Target audience

  • PhD students and young research scientists
  • Radiological protection and safety advisors and inspectors
  • Health physicists and physicians
  • Health and food safety authorities representatives
  • Personal staff and professionals responsible for the overall policy and organisation of rehabilitation of contaminated areas at the local and national levels
  • Civil protection officers and managers of organisations involved in the recovery actions
  • As well as all other interested persons especially experts and researchers involved in OPERRA and CONCERT projects, ALLIANCE, EURADOS, MELODI and NERIS platforms, etc.

Next events

RRADEW Workshop - 24-25 March 2025 Lisbon, Portugal (APA)

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