The ICRP working group of the NERIS platform provides a forum for discussion and sharing of experiences on the implementation of ICRP Recommendations for the protection of people in emergency exposure situations (Publication 109) and living in long-term contaminated areas after a nuclear accident or a radiation emergency (Publication 111) into international, European and national standards and guidelines for emergency management and recovery. It provides an opportunity to explore the methodological and computational aspects related to the practical introduction of these recommendations in the existing decision support tools used in European Countries.

Topics of interest and questions discussed so far internally and with the ICRP Committee 4 are among others:

  • The meaning of the reference level and triggers/derived reference levels: how to communicate it to people and connection to measurements (e.g. comparison with lifetime dose)
  • Relation to other documents such as IAEA
  • How does 109 influence the European BSS
  • Dose reference curve against time
  • Optimisation and benefit
  • How to deal with the possibility to have different types of protective actions according to the different groups of population (evacuation and elderly people, different strategies according age group for iodine tablets…)
  • Importance of preparedness and stakeholder involvement for identifying the reference levels and derived levels

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RRADEW Workshop - 24-25 March 2025 Lisbon, Portugal (APA)

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