25th-27th April 2018

The Final Programme and the Book of Abstracts of the workshop are now available!

The NERIS workshop will last 2.5 days during which the first afternoon will be devoted to the organisation of the 9th General Assembly and two NERIS working group meetings. Then, the next two days will be dedicated to oral presentations dealing with the 7 topics of interest for this workshop (see below). On Thursday 26 evening, a tour of the Dublin Castle will be proposed, right before the workshop dinner planned in Dublin City Center. The last part of the NERIS workshop will focus on the CONCERT Joint Roadmap and its possible links with NERIS activities. The NERIS Young Scientist award ceremony will mark the end of the workshop.

So do not wait to download the detailed programme of the NERIS Workshop!

Download the Programme of the NERIS Workshop

Download the Book of Abstracts of the NERIS Workshop

cropped Sun Newgrange Standing Stone Tourism Ireland

Plenary sessions will be organised on topics related to the 7 following topics:

  • Citizen Science & monitoring by the public

  • Coping with uncertainty in impact assessment & decision making

  • Calibration of new monitoring options (mobile monitoring)

  • Inverse modelling & data assimilation

  • Data reproducibility and model validation

  • Novel approaches to communication & stakeholder engagement

  • Operational challenges for emergency response and recovery

The 9th NERIS General Assembly will be organised at this occasion on April 25, 2018 afternoon.


The Workshop will be held at Dublin Castle, located in the heart of Dublin city, amongst the magnificent 18th century Georgian quadrangle of buildings.

Through the ages, the Castle has been at the heart of Irish history: from the foundations of the first Viking settlement 1,000 years ago through to the handing over of the Castle by the British authorities (where it served as a centre of administration and rule) to Michael Collins (the first leader of the Irish Free State) in 1922. Today, the Castle is one of the country’s premier cultural sites.

A tour of Dublin Castle will be offered to attendees during the NERIS Workshop.

Dublin Castle Ireland

Practical Information

All practical information (accomodation, transportation, workshop venue, etc.) are gathered on this information booklet.

For further information, please feel free to contact the Organising Committee: NERIS Secretariat - Mélanie Maître (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and EPA- Caroline Donnellan (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Download the information booklet

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