The training course on “Assessment of long-term radiological risks from environmental releases: modelling and measure- ments”, 20 April—1 May 2020, Roskilde, Denmark is organised by the Center for Nuclear Technologies at the Technical Univer- sity of Denmark (DTU) in cooperation with PDC-ARGOS. The training course is co-funded by the European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research CONCERT.

The course is aimed at providing the participants with an under- standing of how to assess by measurements and modelling the long-term radiological risks from releases to the environment of radionuclides. Nuclear power plant accidents will particularly be in focus, but RDD’s will be considered.

The course builds on decades of international research work, e.g., in European projects such as ECP-4, STRATEGY, EURANOS, NERIS TP, PREPARE and CONFIDENCE, including unique experi- ence from extensive practical investigations in contaminated areas and laboratory assessments. It comprises a hands-on in- troduction to laboratory measurement techniques including state-of-the-art radiochemistry methods for determination of radionuclides that can not easily be determined. It also includes a hands-on decision support modelling session using a state-of- the-art computerised decision support system for nuclear and radiological emergency management.

The course will provide insight into many topics detailed in the leaflet:

Registration deadline: 15 January 2020 (max. 12 participants)

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