This Topical Workshop has been organised at the initiative of the NERIS Working Group on Contaminated Goods, focussing on international experiences in the management of contaminated foodstuff and other goods after Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents and particularly in Japan, Belarus, Norway and the UK: experts and other stakeholders from these countries have been invited for presenting their feedback on these issues. International organisations (e.g. IAEA, EC, FAO, NEA-OECD) were  also expected to share their recent international experiences in the management, monitoring and radioactivity control of goods coming from Japan. At the end of the workshop, a round table has been organised to discuss the lessons learned and challenges for the management of contaminated goods.

Please see hereinafter the program of the meeting and the presentations:

  1. Opening - Michel Hugon
  2. Introduction - Jean-François Lecomte
  3. The management of contaminated food in Norway following the Chernobyl accident - Lavrans Skuterud
  4. The management of contaminated sheep in North Wales and Cumbria regions in the UK following the Chernobyl accident - Anne Nisbet
  5. The evolution of the management of agricultural products in Belarus following the Chernobyl accident - Iossif Bogdevitch
  6. The European Union Framework for the management of contaminated goods - Augustin Janssens
  7. IAEA work programme on the control of foodstuff and commodities - Igor Gusev
  8. International standards with regard to restriction/replacement of contaminated food, milk and drinking water in the accident State/affected States - Vladimir Kutkov
  9. The national framework for the management of foddstuff in Japan following the Fukushima accident - Nobuyuki Hamada
  10. Activities of the join FAO/IAEA Division related to Fukushima, including recent initiatives with the join FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission concerning thereview of the Codex Guideline Levels for radionuclides in food - Ivancho Naletoski
  11. Surface-contaminated non-food goods in the Netherlands after distant nuclear accidents - Teun van Dillen
  12. Lessons learned from Fukushima by a Member State decision-maker: how to manage a post-accidental situation taking into account scientific and political considerations - David Brouque
  13. First lessons on the management of agricultural products in the Fukushima Prefecture - Ishii Hideki and Ryota Koyama

Next events

RRADEW Workshop - 24-25 March 2025 Lisbon, Portugal (APA)

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