New version of the NERIS SRA (November 2019)

We are pleased to announce the publication of the new version of the NERIS SRA (November 2019):

It results from a revision in 2019 by the NERIS R&D Committee, comments and propositions from members of the platform, stakeholders and results from past and ongoing European projects.

In addition, you can download the NERIS gap analysis 2019:

Modelling and measurement training course, 20 April—1 May 2020, Roskilde Denmark

The training course on “Assessment of long-term radiological risks from environmental releases: modelling and measure- ments”, 20 April—1 May 2020, Roskilde, Denmark is organised by the Center for Nuclear Technologies at the Technical Univer- sity of Denmark (DTU) in cooperation with PDC-ARGOS. The training course is co-funded by the European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research CONCERT.

The course is aimed at providing the participants with an under- standing of how to assess by measurements and modelling the long-term radiological risks from releases to the environment of radionuclides. Nuclear power plant accidents will particularly be in focus, but RDD’s will be considered.

The course builds on decades of international research work, e.g., in European projects such as ECP-4, STRATEGY, EURANOS, NERIS TP, PREPARE and CONFIDENCE, including unique experi- ence from extensive practical investigations in contaminated areas and laboratory assessments. It comprises a hands-on in- troduction to laboratory measurement techniques including state-of-the-art radiochemistry methods for determination of radionuclides that can not easily be determined. It also includes a hands-on decision support modelling session using a state-of- the-art computerised decision support system for nuclear and radiological emergency management.

The course will provide insight into many topics detailed in the leaflet:

Registration deadline: 15 January 2020 (max. 12 participants)

Register to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PODIUM Dissemination workshop and EAN 19th workshop Innovative ALARA Tools, Athens, Greece, 26 and 27 – 28 November 2019

Aims and objectives of the workshops

Innovations in instrumentation, computing and information technology have provided numerous tools for improving our day-to-day lives. In the same way, new and innovative approaches to radiation protection (RP) could also be developed, in particular in the ALARA process. However, as with most new technologies, issues and challenges need to be identified and tackled. The PODIUM Project and the European ALARA Network have come together to organize a joint workshop to present PODIUM results, innovative ALARA tools and discuss broadly their use in advancing RP and ALARA.

Programme and practical aspects

  • The 2nd announcement with the preliminary programme can be downloaded here.
  • The registration website is available here.

NERIS Newsletter 17th issue

The pdf 17th issue (713 KB) of the NERIS Newsletter is now available.

This edition provides some feedbacks from recent events, information on European projects and announcement of upcomings events such as RICOMET 2019, ERPW 2019, and European Projects final Workshops.

EDIT: please note that the TERRITORIES final event will take place on 12-14 November 2019 (Aix en Provence, France).

CONFIDENCE Dissemination workshop 2-5 December 2019, Bratislava, Slovak Republic - Second announcement

The CONFIDENCE Project, funded under the H2020 CONCERT project, is performing research focused on uncertainties in the area of emergency management and long-term rehabilitation. It concentrates on the early and transition phases of an emergency, but considers also longer-term decisions made during these phases. The project brings together expertise from four European Radiation Protection Research Platforms (NERIS, MELODI, ALLIANCE and EURADOS) and also from Social Sciences and Humanities.

Objectives of the workshop:
• to disseminate the knowledge acquired and to demonstrate the capability of the developed models, methods, approaches, guides, recommendations and tools,
• to collect feedback from end users on outputs and remaining research requirements or improvements in models/guides etc. as a feedback to the Platforms to further develop their Strategic Research Agendas and Joint roadmap.

Workshop format:
The workshop will consists of presentations, panels, poster sessions and scenario based facilitated group discussions. Workshop will follow the decision making process which will be realised by using one scenario based on work and outputs from each and every project work-package. Scenario based demonstration of methods and tools will provide complex overview of project outcomes.

The dissemination workshop will take place from December 2 until December 5, 2019 on the premises of Lindner Hotel Gallery Central in Bratislava, Metodova 4, Slovak Republic. ( .
The workshop will start with registration and welcome coffee at 8:00 on December 2, 2019 and will conclude on December 5 at 12:30.

While there is no registration fee, dissemination workshop participation is limited to a maximum of 120 participants and registration is required by filling the online registration form. Pre-registered are accepted for final registration. So do not wait to sign up for the CONFIDENCE Dissemination workshop!

Important dates

  • Registration deadline: September 30, 2019
  • Dissemination workshop: December 2-5, 2019

For further information please contact the hosted Coordinator (Tatiana Duranova – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and use logistics information for your travel arrangements. You can also download the second announcement, preliminary programme and logistics information with the following links:

Next events

7-12 July 2024 : IRPA 16th International Congress, Orlando, Florida (USA)

11-15 November 2024: ERPW Rome, Italy

11 November 2024 : NERIS Workshop, Rome, Italy

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