ENGAGE final workshop 11-13 September 2019, Bratislava, Slovak Republic - Registrations and extended second announcement

Stakeholder engagement is now recognized as an essential ingredient in the governance of radiological risk. But how is stakeholder engagement achieved? Whom should it include and why? How can it inform radiation protection practices and decision making? This workshop provides an opportunity to discuss these and related questions, with the aim of stimulating more effective and democratic governance of radiological risks. Three fields will be examined in detail: medical exposures to ionizing radiation, post-accident exposures, and exposure to indoor radon.

Workshop Aims:
- To share findings from the ENGAGE project;
- To collect feedback on recommendations for enhanced stakeholder participation in the abovementioned fields

Workshop Format:
The workshop will consist of presentations, panels and facilitated group discussions, addressing:
- The connection between stakeholder engagement prescriptions and practice;
- The conditions for meaningful participation and commitment of institutional and non-institutional stakeholders;
- Bridging risk assessment, risk management and risk communication approaches and stakeholders;
- Alignment of different decision levels: local, regional, national and international;
- Informed decision-making (role of communication, access to information, informed consent);
- Radiation protection cultures, including objectives, target stakeholders, content, tools, evaluation processes;
- Broadening the scope of ‘participation’ in radiation protection beyond formal institutional approaches;
- Education, training and capacity building.

We are pleased to announce that the second announcement is now available for download  : download the second announcement. You will find information on the workshop format, registration and accommodation.

To register online, please use the following link:

Important dates
Registration deadline: Agust 10, 2019
Final project workshop: September 11-13, 2019

For more information, visit the ENGAGE website : http://www.engage-h2020.eu

TERRITORIES Final event (12-14 Nov 2019, Aix en Provence)

We are pleased to announce that the pre-registration to the TERRITORIES  Final Event (12-14 Nov 2019, Aix en provence) is open.

The final event, open to TERRITORIES scientists and to stakeholders, aims to:

  • Share findings from the TERRITORIES project, including technical guidance, published and to-be-published along 2019 on: https://territories.eu/publications
  • Collect feedback on two deliverables from the project, including one about existing exposure situations due to nuclear accident contamination

Both documents will be sent to registered participants 4 weeks in advance.

Please pre-register your interest for this event on https://territories_final.eventbrite.com

CONFIDENCE Workshop - Do Process-Based Models have a role in human food chain assessments? 9-10th September 2019, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain

Process-based models have existed for nearly two decades, but are still rarely used in emergency planning. This workshop will bring together modellers, scientists and importantly end-users to discuss advances in foodchain transfer with an emphasis on process-based soil-plant transfer models. One aim of the workshop will be to investigate the potential adoption of process-based models by end-users and also identify future research priorities for human foodchain modelling."

The workshop will start at lunchtime on the 9th and finish at 17:00 on the 10th September.

To register an interest in participating contact Lindis Skipperud (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Please note participant numbers will be limited to 45

Registration is now open and a draft agenda is available. Please find more details from https://radioecology-exchange.org/content/workshops

CONFIDENCE Dissemination workshop 2-5 December 2019, Bratislava, Slovak Republic - Pre-registrations are open

The CONFIDENCE Project, funded under the H2020 CONCERT project, is performing research focused on uncertainties in the area of emergency management and long-term rehabilitation. It concentrates on the early and transition phases of an emergency, but considers also longer-term decisions made during these phases. The project brings together expertise from four European Radiation Protection Research Platforms (NERIS, MELODI, ALLIANCE and EURADOS) and also from Social Sciences and Humanities.

Objectives of the workshop:
• to disseminate the knowledge acquired and to demonstrate the capability of the developed models, methods, approaches, guides, recommendations and tools, 
• to collect feedback from end users on outputs and remaining research requirements or improvements in models/guides etc. as a feedback to the Platforms to further develop their Strategic Research Agendas and Joint roadmap.

We are pleased to announce that the first announcement is now available for download  : download the first announcement. You will find information on registration and accommodation.

The online pre-registration form is now available with the following link :

NERIS Newsletter 16th issue

The 16th issue of the NERIS Newsletter is now available.

This edition provides some feedbacks from recent events, information on European projects and announcement of upcomings events such as RICOMET 2019, ERPW 2019, and European Projects final Workshops.

Capture décran 2019 01 31 à 12.24.27

Next events

7-12 July 2024 : IRPA 16th International Congress, Orlando, Florida (USA)

11-15 November 2024: ERPW Rome, Italy

11 November 2024 : NERIS Workshop, Rome, Italy

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