TERRITORIES Workshops in Oslo - 14-16 November 2017

Within Work Package 4 (Strategic and integrated communication, education and training) of the TERRITORIES (To Enhance unceRtainties Reduction and stakeholders Involvement TOwards integrated and graded Risk management of humans and wildlife In long-lasting radiological Exposure Situations) project, one of the objectives is to identify and communicate to appropriate audiences the existing capabilities, key uncertainties, needs and knowledge gaps in radiological risk assessment and management for humans and wildlife in long-lasting radiological exposure situations. To reach this objective, a number of workshops will be organised through the 3 years of the project.  The TERRITORIES project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 in the framework of the CONCERT EJP [grant agreement No 662287].

 In 2017, two workshops will be organised:

  • Workshop one: Key factors contributing to uncertainties in radiological risk assessment, which objective is to discuss the key factors contributing to overall uncertainties when linking deposition and ecosystem transfer to human and ecosystem radiological risk assessment models, obtaining feedback from modellers, experimentalists and stakeholders on this subject.
    Download the agenda here

  • Workshop two:Communication of uncertainties of radiological risk assessments to stakeholders, which objective is to discuss the implications and relevance of uncertainties in radiological risk assessments for different stakeholders and how these uncertainties can be better communicated, obtaining feedback from regulators, industry, scientists and “public/social sciences” on this subject.
    Download the agenda here

Both workshops will be held in Oslo, Norway, November 14-16th 2017. Since both workshops are strongly connected, people are encouraged to participate in both of them.

Please fill out the  registration form by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before September 29th 2017.

Researchers from 11 Countries Agree on New Recommendations to Deal with Possible Nuclear Accidents


In the unlikely but not impossible case of a future nuclear accident, what should be done – or not -  to improve the health surveillance and living conditions of affected populations without generating collateral damage or unnecessary anxiety? This is what the EC-funded project SHAMISEN has tried to address over the last 18 months with an analysis of lessons learned from Chernobyl and Fukushima. The result is a document with 28 recommendations to improve the preparedness and response to a radiation accident, including for each recommendation a ‘why’ (based on lessons learned) a ‘how’, and a ‘who’ (those responsible of implementing the recommendation).

The document highlights the importance of planning the response “in times of peace” and includes recommendations to improve training of professionals, establish disease registries to know whether these diseases increase after the accident, and establish evacuation protocols and routes if necessary. Recommendations ‘during’ the response include providing timely and reliable information on the accident situation and associated risks, and ensuring collection of radiation dose data. For the ‘after’, the main recommendations include establishing a dialogue between experts and affected communities with the help of local facilitators, and providing support to populations that wish to make their own dose measurements so they can take informed decisions (e.g. what food they eat or if and when they return to their homes).  Recommendations also include providing health screening of populations on a voluntary basis and with adequate counselling to avoid unnecessary anxiety, and launching long-term public health studies only when informative and sustainable over time. All recommendations were developed taking into consideration the cross-cutting issue of ethics and the involvement of local stakeholders, including the population.

For more Information:

Radioprotection revue, Vol. 51 (December 2016) - HS2

The outcomes of the PREPARE European project have been published in a supplemental issue (Vol. 51, HS2) of the Radioprotection revue:
Innovative integrated tools and platforms for radiological emergency preparedness and post-accident response in Europe. Key results of the PREPARE European research project.

Editors: Tatiana Duranova, Wolfgang Raskob and Thierry Schneider

You will find the Table of contents and all articles on this page.

NERIS Newsletter 13th issue

   The 13th issue of the NERIS Newsletter is now available.
   This edition is dedicated to the new european research projects CONFIDENCE & TERRITORIES as well as the final SHAMISEN Workshop,
   held in Paris last March.

NERIS Newsletter 12th issue

The 12th issue of the NERIS Newsletter is now available. This edition is dedicated to the NERIS contribution during the Radiation Protection Week 2016.

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