17th EAN Workshop (in collaboration with NERIS), Lisbon, Portugal - 15 – 17 May 2017

15-17 May 2017

Emergency exposure situations can arise as a result of a nuclear accident, a malicious or terrorist act, or any other unexpected radiological event. It requires a quick response and sustainable countermeasures and remedial actions in order to avoid or reduce adverse short-term and long-term consequences. Radiation exposures can be received by the public, first responders, workers and volunteers engaged in the post-accident recovery.

The ICRP recommendations and European Basic Safety Standards – the bases for national regulations - re-emphasize the principle of optimisation (ALARA) as applying to emergency exposure situations. For the purpose of radiological protection, reference levels for emergency exposure situations should be set. More importantly, it is necessary to establish emergency plans based on an optimum protection strategy, resulting in more good than harm for the exposed people and the affected territories. In that perspective, lessons learnt from the Fukushima accident are of utmost importance.

 The objectives of the workshop are:

  • To show, in particular from the experience of Fukushima accident, the challenges posed by the optimisation of exposures in emergency and post-accident situations;
  • To review the national arrangements for assessing, monitoring and mitigating the radiological consequences of an emergency, especially with regard to applying the ALARA principle to public and occupational exposures;
  • To review the arrangements for managing emergency doses to workers;
  • To review the arrangements for providing ALARA-based training for the different types of stakeholders who would be engaged in the emergency response and long-term recovery actions.

The workshop will consist of presentations (oral and posters) intended to highlight the main issues, and a significant part of the program will be devoted to discussions within working groups. From these discussions, participants will be expected to produce recommendations on ALARA in emergency exposure situations, which are addressed to relevant local, national and international stakeholders.

For further information, please visit the EAN Website.

ICRP 2017 & ERPW 2017 - 10-12 October 2017

10 - 12 October 2017 ICRP 2017 Announcement small


4th International Symposium of the System of Radiological Protection in conjonction with the European Radiological Protection Research Week are being organized in Paris from 10 to 12 October 2017.

This combined event will offer the opportunity for professionals, experts and researchers worldwide to discuss their respective concerns and the current challenges faced in all areas of radiological protection, as well as the ways
forward through new research, updating doctrines, or better interactions with stakeholders.

The programme schedule of the ICRP-ERPW2017 conferences is now available. You can download it here.

We remind yout that registration to ICRP-ERPW 2017 is still opened at http://www.icrp-erpw2017.com.
Please note that the registration fees will increasr from Sunday 1st October 2017.

Web page: http://www.icrp-erpw2017.com

4th ICRER, 3-8 September 2017, Berlin – Germany

The 4th International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity (ICRER) will be held in Berlin, Germany, 3-8 September 2017.

The overall goal of the conference is to review and discuss recent achievements in radioecology and related disciplines, as well as to promote continued development in these subjects in order to improve the radiological protection of humans and the environment. In September 2017, the conference will cover the acquisition of basic scientific knowledge in research dedicated to any human and wildlife exposure situations for a wide range of radioactive sources and scenarios (planned, existing and emergency situations), as well as identifying new societal needs along with technical requirements for regulators and industry.

For futher information, please visit the ICRER 2017 website.

Radioprotection revue, Vol. 51, issue 1 (2016)

The outcomes of the NERIS-TP European project have been published in a supplemental issue (Vol. 51, issue 1) of the Radioprotection revue:
Towards a self-sustaining European platform on nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness, response and recovery. Key results of the NERIS-TP European project.

Editors: Astrid Liland and Wolfgang Raskob.

You will find the Table of contents and all articles on this page.

NERIS Newsletter 11th issue

NERIS-Newsletter-11-2016-05-mini The 11th issue of the NERIS Newsletter is now available. This edition is dedicated to the feedback from recent events and the announcements.

The Newsletter includes:

  • Editorial
  • Feedbacks from recent events
  • News about renewal of the NERIS Management Board
  • Announcements

Next events

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